VI. Appendix
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004
Unauthorised characters
Text with DATAformTags and style sheet names may not contain certain characters. Cf. points
5) and 6) of syntax rules in chapter II. DATAformTags:
5) unauthorised characters in a text with DATAformTags: < @ \
6) unauthorised characters in names: @ : " ¶ { } ; =
The characters < @ are reserved as markers for XPressTags. If necessary they must be masked
by the relevant XPressTag.
The character < marks the beginning of an XPressTag. It must not be used to signify the
smaller-than-sign. @ marks the beginning of a style sheet call.
If these three characters must be present in the QuarkXPress text, they must be replaced in the
database or on export by the relevant XPressTags:
¶*T3*F2*$the distance is < 3mm.¶
If this text with DATAformTags is transferred to QuarkXPress, the character < is interpreted
by QuarkXPress as the start of an XPressTag. The entire text from the smaller-than-sign on,
wont be displayed. QuarkXPress will show the error message:
The correct text with DATAformTags should be:
¶*T3*F2*$the distance is <\<> 3mm.¶
This text creates the correct content:
When exporting text boxes XPressTags are exported within the text if this has been specified in
the DATAform preferences. (See under DATAformXTension Preferences..., page: 25)
Depending on the settings in the preferences dialogue, the text is transferred with or without
XPressTags. If the text is exported with XPressTags, all style sheets and style sheet definitions
are also exported. In this case the exported text is more detailed than the imported text.
If you import e.g. in a first step the lines:
¶*T3*F2*$@Text:first line
<@italic>second line¶
you will get the box:
If you now mark the box and export it with the DATAform command Export selection, you
will get a text file with the text with DATAformTags (If loading the text with the QuarkXPress
first line
second line
the distance is <