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VI. Appendix 133 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 If a style sheet is not present in the QuarkXPress document, it will be created. ¶*T3*F2*$@Text:My <@italic>box¶ Creates the style sheet “Text” and the character style sheet “italic” in a QuarkXPress docu- ment. If the XPressTags also contain style sheet definitions, they will be applied on the newly created style sheet otherwise a standard style sheet is created. If a style sheet with the same name will be found in the QuarkXPress document, it will be applied, but not modified. All texts that have been formatted with style sheets upon import can later be entirely reformat- ted by modifying the style sheet definitions. Error search upon import If you import the text with DATAformTags: ¶*T3*F2*$@Text:first line @text italic:second line¶ the result is normally - and depending on style sheet definitions - the box: The XPressTags are interpreted and translated into the style sheet assignments: If the XPressTags filter is not used upon import, you get the text: The filter hasn’t been used; the XPressTags haven’t been interpreted, but read as a text. In this case the Tag {28} was not *F2 or the XTension XPressTags Filter was missing. By the command Utilities/XTensions manager you may get an overview of the loaded XTensions and their status. @Text:first line @text italic:second line first line second line first line second line