I. DATAformXTension
Include XPressTags
If this option is active when exporting, the XPressTags of the text will be written into the text.
The XPressTags will be produced after the DATAformTag *$ as part of the text. As an exam-
ple, a box with the word TEXT
that is formatted with the style sheet Headline, will result in the text with DATAformTags:
DfXT+2.0¶*T107*e["FEUER:em/DF:DF Kit:DFXTensionHandbuch:DATAformXTen-
46,0,"1 "56.693,0,"1 "85.039,0,"1 "113.386,0,"1 "170.079,0,"1
@Headline=[S"Text","Headline"]<*p(0,0,0,0,0,0,g,"U.S. English")*t(40,0,"1 "76,0,"1
"206,0,"1 ")Ps100t0h100z14k0b0cKf"Times-Roman">
The italic parts after the tag *$ are the exported XPressTags; all XPressTags including the style
sheet definitions are exported. At the end of the XPressTags comes the box content TEXT.
XPressTags can also be present within the text and change the style and font properties in para-
graphs or letter by letter.
The parameter *F is set to *F2 when exporting with XPressTags. This allows a database to tell
whether the text includes XPressTags or not. When exporting a text with XPressTags towards
QuarkXPress the parameter *F must be set to *F2 so that the XPressTags will be interpreted
(See under {1} *$ Text/Path, page: 32, {28} *F Font mode, page: 51, and in appendix under
Text with XpressTags, page: 132.)
3) Server Activity
With this configuration the DATAformXTension message interface is activated. A database
can now send messages to QuarkXPress that will be processed in the background. More on this
topic in the chapter Messages to QuarkXPress, page: 109.
DATAform/Box height
This command adjusts the height of a marked text box to the quantity of text present. The bot-
tom edge of the box will be shifted so that text overflow is avoided. Depending on the quantity
of text, the box will be enlarged or reduced in size. If the quantity of text is too big, the box
will be stretched till the bottom edge of the page and the overflow symbol will appear.
The function has the same effect as the Tag *D1 when importing a text with DATAformTags.
(See under {60} *D Adjust box height, page: 74)
Via the database all placed boxes can have their height automatically adjusted by that Tag.
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de