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III. Functional objects 97 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 *T103 DELETE => ¶*T103*Mx*$¶ Sets the processing mode for the following box objects to “delete”. Box objects with *#x or *Gx (the x stands for a number other than zero) that are found in the QuarkXPress document are deleted, box objects with *#0 and *G0 (or missing Tags) are skipped. Suppress dialogue *M defines the treatment of objects that are not found. (A *Gx object is considered not found, if not a single box with this group number is found.) If required, one of the following dialogues will be shown: “The box with object No. xxx could not be found” or “No boxes with the group could be found.” The dialogue offers the two buttons Cancel and Skip. Cancel stops the entire process. Skip skips the current box object. *M0 or missing *M Tag, the default settings are used, see below *M1 show dialogue *M2 skip object Default settings Calling a load procedure automatically transfers internally before loading the functional object ¶*T103*M1*$¶. This means that this preferences are preset each time. Calling the load procedure by message automatically transfers internally before loading the functional object ¶*T103*M2*$¶ If a text with DATAformTags contains no import function with *M, it will be automatically processed according to the calling method. Box objects after ¶*T103*$¶ The box objects that come after ¶*T103*$¶ describe the boxes which should be deleted in the QuarkXPress document. These box objects can contain complete object descriptions, but must have at least three Tags: *T, *$, *# or *G. Complete example ¶*T101*$¶*#111*T3*$text in box¶*T103*$¶*T3*#111*$¶ places the box #111 in the left/top page corner and immediately deletes it. The text contains the objects: ¶ switch to import mode¶ the box/boxes to be imported¶ switch to delete mode¶ the box/boxes to be deleted¶ The following rules apply for the boxes that will be deleted: ¶*T3*#15001*$¶ Deletes the box with object No.: 15001. The QuarkXPress object must not be a *T3 box; a line or a picture can also be deleted with this method. ¶*T12*G15*$¶ Deletes all boxes in the document with the group No. 15. ¶*T13*G0*#0*$¶ Nothing happens; neither *# nor *G are defined. ¶*T3*$New text...¶ Nothing happens; neither *# nor *G are defined. ¶*T3*G15*#15001*$¶ Only deletes box #15001; not the group G15. ¶*T3*G15*#0*$¶ Deletes all boxes in the document which have the group No. 15.