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II. DATAformTags 83 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 {70} *t Polygon […] This Tag defines a polygonal text or picture box. The X and Y values of the individual polygon points, separated by a semi-colon, appear between the square brackets. Bezier curves from are not supported. The smallest polygon defines a triangle; it consists of a start point, two further points and an end point. The end point must be specified separately and must be the same as the start point – polygons are always closed. The smallest polygon therefore contains four points that are defined by eight values. The details are given in pt. A text polygon is defined by *T3, a picture polygon by *T12. Other values for *T are not allowed with polygons. ¶*T3*x100*y100*X200*Y200*t[100;100;200;100;150;200;100;100]*$Text¶ creates a triangle as a text box. With *x100*y100*X200*Y200 the surrounding rectangle of the polygon is defined. The polygon must fit into the surrounding rectangle exactly. The eight anchor points of a polygon lie exactly on the surrounding rectangle. ¶*T12*x75*y100*X225*Y200*t[100;100;200;100;225;150;150;200;75;150;100;100]* Z1*K0.8*k0.8*$:MyPicture¶ creates a pentagon, loads the picture “MyPicture” from the QuarkXPress folder, scales it to 80% and places it in the centre of the box, left picture. DfXT+2.0¶*#0*G0*T3*p0*x19.92*y406.005*X158*Y498.746*W0*S0*C1*c12.024*i0*I0* j0*J0*f0*H0*h0*D0*d0*B"black"*b1*F1*1"Helvetica"*21*326*41*5"black"*61*70*80* 90*L128*l0*M"black"*m1*R1*r0*Q0*q271.694*»0*«0*§0*N0* -0*+"29"*|0*e[1364738882;27676;4;2;"white";0;1;0;0]* t[159;445;158.286;450.944;156.162;456.742;152.679;462.25;147.925;467.334;142.015; 471.868;135.095;475.74;127.336;478.856;118.929;481.138;110.081;482.531;101.01; 482.999;91.937;482.533;83.088;481.142;74.68;478.861;20.92;499.746;59.999;471.875; 54.087;467.342;49.331;462.26;45.847;456.752;43.72;450.955;43.004;445.012;43.716; 439.068;45.837;433.271;49.317;427.762;54.069;422.678;59.976;418.143;66.893;414.269; 74.651;411.153;83.056;408.869;91.904;407.475;100.975;407.005;110.047;407.471;118.895; 408.86;127.302;411.139;135.062;414.251;141.984;418.121;147.897;422.652;152.654; 427.734;156.141;433.24;158.269;439.036;159;445]*$ Roger.¶ creates a polygon with a Circular Blend from black to white, rechtes Bild.