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II. DATAformTags Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 62 {41} *m Frame/line shade(s) [0…1]; with two values [shade; shade] This Tag defines the shade of box frames and lines. 100% is equivalent to 1. ¶*T3*F2*L134*l20*M"Blue"*m0.9*D1*$<*C>Text¶ creates a text box with the frame style No. 134, 20 pt wide, blue, a shade of 90% and vertical (by DATAformTag *D1) and horizontal (by XPressTag *C) centered text. Some frame and line types can have a special gap colour.  The shade values for these colours are transferred between square brackets, like in *m[1;0.3]: ¶*T3*L124*l8*M["black";"black"]*m[1;0.3]*$¶* T3*L124*l8*M["black";"black"]*m[0.3;1]*$¶   Creates to boxes with dashed lines 100% / 30% black and 30% / 100% black. Text