II. DATAformTags
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de
3) *T, order, *$
Every object description must contain the Tag *Tx for the object type. The text that will be
placed in a box or the path to a picture to be placed in a picture box follows the DATAformTag
*$. The text or path comes immediately after the Tag *$; it is not placed in inverted commas.
XPressTags are part of the text. The Tag *$ must be included in every object description
including lines and must always be the last Tag.
The order of the other DATAformTags is arbitrary.
4) Object delimiter within the text: ¶
The text in a box may contain the character ¶.
Even though the characters 166 and 182 are reserved as object delimiters cf. point 2 the text
in a box is allowed to contain these characters. (Since DATAformXTension 4.1.8) Strictly
speaking DATAformXTension takes the two successive characters ¶* as an object end (or
reads to the end of file), cf. point 11.
¶*T3*$This text contains ¶¶¶ several object delimiters.¶*T3*$A second box with one ¶¶
Creates on MacOS and Windows the two boxes:
5) Unauthorized characters in a text with XPressTags: < @ \
If XpressTags are applied, the characters are reserved by QuarkXPress for the beginning of
XpressTags and style sheet names.
Then the text itself can not contain these characters. If the text needs these characters, they may
be created by using the XPressTag <\<>, <\@> and <\\>. (See the QuarkXPress manuals.)
6) Unauthorized characters in names: @ : " ¶ { } ; =
In font names, colour names, master page names, in the prefix of the section pages in Quark-
XPress as well as in style sheet names these characters can not be used.
7) Measurements , names, percentages
All measurements are transferred in points.
A comma or a point can be used as a decimal seperator: *x35,7 is the same as *x35.7. Any
number of decimal places can be transferred, however QuarkXPress reads these with an accu-
racy of 3 decimal places only. Any extra decimal places are rounded up or down upon import.
Up to 5, they are rounded down, from 6 on, they are rounded up.
When exporting boxes with DATAformXTension the accuracy of the decimal values is that of
Thousand seperators can not be used.
Names are transferred between "inch signs" (shift+2, ASCII-34). Names are used for colours,
colour blends, box fonts, section and master pages.
*B"White" sets the boxes background colour, *1"Helvetica" the boxes font, *P"MasterA" the
masterpage. Both inverted commas have the same ASCII value (ASCII-34.) The character is
available on the keyboard with shift+2. To create it from QuarkXPress the option
must be off in the application preferences. When importing a text with DATAformTags as text
into a QuarkXPress box the option
A second box with
one ¶
This text contains ¶¶¶
several object delimi-