I. DATAformXTension
DATAform Menu
If DATAformXTension is installed, an extra menu is added to QuarkXPress:
DATAform/About DATAform...
This command opens the dialogue:
The left hand dialogue appears when DATAformXTension has been correctly serialised for the
active QuarkXPress. To the top right you can see the QuarkXPress serial number and after the
slash the number of DATAform licenses for this QuarkXPress package.
If DATAformXTension is loaded with a QuarkXPress version for which it has not been seri-
alised, the right dialogue appears: DATAformXTension then runs a limited time only with all
its functions enabled.
The instructions for installing the full version of DATAformXTension may be found in the
installation chapter at the beginning of this manual, page: 8.
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de