VI. Appendix
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004
Importing hand made documents
DATAform offers the possibility to save even complex QuarkXPress documents in the
database. The individual modules (groups on boxes) are archived specifically and can be recre-
ated in new arrangements in QuarkXPress 1:1. This type of archiving is not document or page
related, but reaches the individual, context defined, module.
If boxes are placed in QuarkXPress manually or if an existing QuarkXPress document is to be
transferred into the database, the single boxes must be given corresponding numbers. With
these numbers the database will know the arrangement, the fellowship of the imported boxes.
The boxes can then be saved accordingly. The numbers and box IDs inform the database:
Which boxes, pictures and lines are part of the same article and constitue an article module?
Which text box is the main box of the module, which others are additional text boxes?
Automatic box ID
The procedure of assigning numbers is simplified by DATAformXTension: All elements of an
article module can be numbered with a single command.
To allow this you first group all a modules boxes to a QuarkXPress group. The boxes of this
group are then numbered. You then activate the main text box of the group with the content
tool and call the DATAform command Box properties...:
The Box properties dialogue suggests a number for this article module. It suggests the next
highest free number in the QuarkXPress document.
The OK button is now called Auto; if you press Auto all boxes of the group will be num-
bered automatically. The main box is assigned the number 25001, the additional boxes are
assigned the numbers 25101, 25102 and 25103 etc.
Example, step by step:
The following boxes were created manually and should be prepared for transfer into the
database, i.e. they must be numbered:
The four boxes have been grouped i.e. these boxes should form a module. Select the Quark-
XPress content tool:
and click beside the group first and then in the main box. The article module then shows the
following status: Several boxes have been grouped and a text box has been activated with the
content tool: