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IV. Message system 120 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 PRINT FROM: Benutzer TO: DATAFORM SUBJECT: PRINT DFTEXT: 2 4 1 The command prints the current (usualy top level) QuarkXPress document. The command supports the definition of the page range and the number of copies. All other preferences are taken as set in the printing preferences of the document. DFTEXT: 2 4 1 means: fromPage toPage Copies, separated by spaces. If toPage is higher than the number of pages in the document, all pages until the end of the document are printed. DFTEXT: 1 9999 1 Prints all pages of a document. If no error occurs DATAformXTension responds with: FROM: DATAFORM TO: Benutzer SUBJECT: PRINT DFTEXT: 2 4 1 DOCUMENT: RESULT: 0, error number: 0 PRINT message in the DATAform 4D inteface The PRINTcommand is transferred to DX_Message as follows: $err:=DX_Message ($Cmd;$Pages;$XPDoc;$XPFolder;$Timeout;=>T1) $Cmd "PRINT" $Pages "2 4 1" `fromPage toPage Copies $XPDoc Is always ""; no QuarkXPress document file is called here. $XPFolder The valid path to the QuarkXPress folder $Timeout Timeout e.g. after 3 seconds of waiting time T1 Timeout text and variable for the response error text. Example: Print alle pages of the document: $err:=DX_Message ("PRINT";"1 9999 1";"";$XPFolder;3;=>T1) DX_Message creates a message file in the folder DATAform/Eingang, waits for the response of DATAformXTension and processes it. If the document was sent to the printer or spooler succesfully, $err will become Zero.