I. DATAformXTension
2) Updating the contents of an existing text box
Move the previously created text box anywhere in the document.
Copy the following line:
¶*#1*T3*$New text¶
Choose the DATAform command Update contents from QuarkXPress.
The text in the box will be replaced by the new text:
All other manually modified box properties, for example box position, remain unchanged. The
box will be found in the QuarkXPress document, due to it's ID-number *#1, and updated.
Copy the following line:
¶*#1*F2*T3*$New text in <PB>bold<B> style¶
Choose the DATAform command Update contents from QuarkXPress once again.
The text in the box will be replaced by the new text:
The word bold will be displayed as semi-bold. The box text after *$ can contain XPressTags,
that define the various style properties of the text.
New text in bold
New text
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de