IV. Message system
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de
FROM: Benutzer
TO: DATAform
DFTEXT: HD G3:DATAformImport.txt
This command imports the boxes of the specified DATAformTags file, exports these boxes
again and deletes them. The boxes that are already present in the QuarkXPress document are
not exported. Newly created pages are not deleted again.
This command serves mainly for calculating the box height: The Tag {60} *D Adjust box
height => will be processed, then the boxes with the new *Y values are once again exported
and deleted in the QuarkXPress document. The boxes already present in the QuarkXPress doc-
ument are left unchanged.
Example: The imported DATAformTag file DATAformImport.txt contains the boxes:
¶*x10*X100*y20*Y120*T3*D1*$the first box¶*x110*X200*y20*Y120*T3*D1*
$the second box with some more text¶
Both box descriptions contain the DATAformTag *D1. At the end of the command the file
DATAformImport.txt contains the complete text with DATAformTags of both boxes:
l0*M"Black"*m1*R0*r1*|0*»0*«0*§0*N0*-0*+"1"*$the first box¶*#0*G0*T3*p1*@1*
»0*«0*§0*N0*-0*+"1"*$the second box with some more text¶
Both boxes are imported and receive a box height of *Y120-*y20 = 100 pt
Then the box heights are adjusted to the text quantity:
The boxes are exported as a text with DATAformTags with the new *Y values and are then
deleted from the QuarkXPress document.
The text with DATAformTags supplies the new heights:
*Y33.509-*y20 = 13.509 pt for the first box and
*Y62.178-*y20 = 42.178 pt for the second one.