database publishing GASSENHUBER DATAform DBP  
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III. Functional objects 106 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 *T110 SAVE AS EPS FILE => *T110*e[...]*$ The functional object allows you to save a page or a part of a page as an eps file to disk. Parameters *e[PageNumber ; UseWholeSpread ; left ; top ; right ; bottom ; Scaling ; Flags] *$Path to the eps file to be created - Page number, or page number within the spread if UseWholeSpread. If the PageNumber is greater than the number of pages in the document, the last page will be used. - UseWholeSpread = 1 for Save the whole spread to which the page belongs; = 0 for Save the specified page only - Rectangle left ; top ; right ; bottom expressed in points - if UseWholeSpread = 1 this rectangle will be ignored - if UseWholeSpread = 0 and all 4 rectangle values are 0 => the whole page will be saved - if UseWholeSpread = 0 and the rectangle is not emtpy => this rectangle only will be saved as eps file. -    Scaling of the produced picture, e.g. 1 for 100%; 0.5 for 50% ; 1.35 for 135%. This referrs to the scaling of the picture itself, not to its placement by *Kk {52-53}. -    Flags, see the list below. Several flags can be added. -    Path to the eps file to be created, folders must be valid, path must be in OS convention. If a file name only is transferred, the file will be saved in the QuarkXPress folder. Example ¶*T110*e[4;0;0;0;0;0;1;3]*$Test.eps¶ Save page number 4 in 100% as a color EPS in PC format into the file "Test.eps". Last paramter is 3, which means (EPSINCOLOR = 1) + (EPSPCFORMAT = 2). Example  in the DATAform 4D interface DX_write (0) `initialisation, start of export DX_Array{5}:="110" `*T110 = Save as EPS file DX_Array{69}:="[4;0;0;0;0;0;1;3]" `the properties of the eps DX_Array{1}:="Test.eps" `name or path of the file $0:=DX_Write (1) `transfer the object to the interface `Here may follow further objects DX_Write (2)    `end of export