III. Functional objects
Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004 www.gassenhuber.de
The functional object allows you to save a page or a part of a page as an eps file to disk.
*e[PageNumber ; UseWholeSpread ; left ; top ; right ; bottom ; Scaling ; Flags]
*$Path to the eps file to be created
Page number, or page number within the spread if UseWholeSpread. If the PageNumber is
greater than the number of pages in the document, the last page will be used.
UseWholeSpread = 1 for Save the whole spread to which the page belongs; = 0 for Save the
specified page only
Rectangle left ; top ; right ; bottom expressed in points
if UseWholeSpread = 1 this rectangle will be ignored
if UseWholeSpread = 0 and all 4 rectangle values are 0 => the whole page will be saved
if UseWholeSpread = 0 and the rectangle is not emtpy => this rectangle only will be
saved as eps file.
- Scaling of the produced picture, e.g. 1 for 100%; 0.5 for 50% ; 1.35 for 135%. This referrs
to the scaling of the picture itself, not to its placement by *Kk {52-53}.
- Flags, see the list below. Several flags can be added.
- Path to the eps file to be created, folders must be valid, path must be in OS convention. If a
file name only is transferred, the file will be saved in the QuarkXPress folder.
Save page number 4 in 100% as a color EPS in PC format into the file "Test.eps".
Last paramter is 3, which means (EPSINCOLOR = 1) + (EPSPCFORMAT = 2).
Example in the DATAform 4D interface
DX_write (0)
`initialisation, start of export
`*T110 = Save as EPS file
`the properties of the eps
`name or path of the file
$0:=DX_Write (1)
`transfer the object to the interface
`Here may follow further objects
DX_Write (2)
`end of export