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I. DATAformXTension <Document>.QXP Under this configuration, both import commands look for a file in the active QuarkXPress doc- uments folder called “Document_Name.QXP”. The update files can be placed alongside the QuarkXPress documents and used at will. This configuration gives the possibility to generate any number of document related update files that may be processed at any given time. DATAform.TXT Under this configuration the import commands look for a file named “DATAform.TXT” in the QuarkXPress/DATAform folder and import it. The settings allows you to work with the same file on export as on import. Exported boxes can be re-imported directly. The DATAform tags file can be used as a kind of clipboard, mainly for developing purposes. Clipboard Under this configuration both import commands “Import boxes” and “Update contents” read the text with DATAformTags from the clipboard and apply it onto the active QuarkXPress document. Grouping This function allows the automatic grouping of module boxes upon import. The grouping is the normal QuarkXPress grouping and can also be undone in QuarkXPress. After importing, the module can be easily identified and shifted in the QuarkXPress page. If the checkbox is ticked, all boxes that have the same group number will be integrated as one group as long as they are placed on the same page or spread. If boxes with the same group numbers are created on different pages, they will be grouped in separate groups. Only DATAform boxes will be grouped; boxes with the group number zero are not grouped. 2) Export Dialogue Under this configuration the three export functions open the system dialogue to create a new file. The name and location of the text with DATAformTags can be defined from this dialogue. DATAform.AKT Under this configuration the three export functions create a file named DATAform.AKT in the QuarkXPress/DATAform folder. If the QuarkXPress folder is known by the database, this set- ting allows the updating of the database without using the open file dialogue. This is the default configuration. <Dokument>.AKT Under this configuration the three export functions create a file named “Name_of_the_Docu- ment.AKT” alongside the QuarkXPress document. The option is corresponding to <Docu- ment>.QXP: in that case the import commands look for a file in the active QuarkXPress docu- ments folder called “Name_of_the_Document.QXP”. DATAform.TXT Under this configuration the export commands write into the file named “DATAform.TXT” in the QuarkXPress/DATAform folder. The settings allows you to work with the same file on export as on import. Exported boxes can be re-imported directly. 24 Developer handbook DATAformXTension © 1992-2004